We are back! We had a wonderful long weekend in Maine. We always have so much fun going up there. However, as we are growing older and adding to our families it is getting more and more cramped in the cottage - haha! My brother actually slept out on the porch two of the nights. It is such a quaint old cottage. It has been in our family for over a century and I think that it was built during either in the late 1800's or very early part of the 1900's (Tamara, if you read this and your mom knows when let me know!). When you step inside, it feels like you are stepping back in time. Personally, I find it to be very charming, but that is not the general consensus. My brother wrote a pretty funny post on his blog pointing out all of the major structural flaws in the house. He just started his blog about a week or so ago and is still working out a few things with it, but as soon as it is a bit further along I will give you all the link.
Also, we are excited to unveil the look of our new blog! We worked with Sarah at
Sadie Olive! If you haven't already, you should definitely check out her site. You will fall in love! This new look goes with our new gray, cream and black color scheme that you all helped us decide on! Next week I will be redesigning our Etsy banner and redoing our business cards and a bunch of other stuff to coordinate.
Here are a TON of pictures from our trip. These are actually only a small portion of the ones I took, but I figured this was more than enough to post on here. I will do another post when I have time with pictures of my sister, Jamie's birthday, that we celebrated while we were up there. I also have finished editing the photos from our photoshoot with little Abigail Grace and will try to post those later this week as well. And on top of that, we are having our professional photoshoot with
Pizzuti Studios on Friday. I can't wait for that! I am going crazy trying to get all of our items made in time and still have so much to do! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, enough rambling, here are some pictures from Maine:
The cottage
Lillie looking out to sea!
Auntie Jamie and Lillabel on the beach
Lillie loved playing trackball....no one else particularly found playing it with her all that fun, though...hahalenssweet-copy.jpg)
Hunting for shells with Papa
Giving Papa kisses
She's starting to really love her doll, Lulu! She even carried her down to the beach to play!
Jamie Long-Legs!
Wow! Uncle Jason's so strong...haha!
After a fun day at the beach, Lillie is enjoying some chocolate milk at Ken's Place!
All tuckered out!I think Lillie's favorite thing at the beach was feeding the seagulls every night! She LOVED them and had absolutely no fear of them! She would get right up to them and try to touch them!
Lillable snuggling with Auntie Jamie and Uncle Josh out on the pier
Giving Moo Moo kisses!
Watching the seagulls with Moo Moo
Yay!!!! Daddy arrived! Family snuggles before heading out for some seafood!
So happy to be with her Daddy! Unfortunately he had to head back out on the road recruiting today and we won't see him again for about two to two and a half weeks =(-cosmocopy.jpg)
Playing one, two, three, swing.....with Uncle Jason and Auntie Jamie
My beautiful little munchkin walking on the beach at sunset
Good-bye, Maine
Don't forget there are just a few days left to enter our tutu giveaway!!!!! Have a wonderful rest of the week!
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